8:27 AM 0 Comments

Never carry a baby under age one on a bicycle. A baby does not have the neck strength to wear a helmet. Her back is not strong enough to sit straight with the motion of the bike.
When a child is old enough to ride on an adult's bike, only a skilled rider should carry him. Ride only in safe areas like parks, bike paths, or quiet streets.

  • Make sure both adult and child wear properly fitting helmets.
  • Make sure the child carrier has a high back, a lap and shoulder harness, and foot guards to keep feet away from the spokes.
  • Check that the carrier is fastened firmly to the bike.
  • Buckle the harness snugly around the child.

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8:22 AM 0 Comments

Limit children riding bicycles to minor streets or on well-defined bicycle facilities with good separation from motorized traffic. Here are a few tips for kids on bikes. Sidewalks are for pedestrians so if you are riding on them remember to, GIVE WALKERS A BREAK. When you are riding near people walking, don’t surprise them. Slow down and say, “Excuse me!” or use a bell or horn.

  • Always look, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT before an alley, driveway, corner, or intersection. If it is not easy to see, slow down or stop first.
  • Always ride in the same direction as the cars are going. Never ride against traffic.
  • Ride in a straight line. If you do, drivers will know where you are going.

    If a friend bikes across the street before you, do not think that it is safe for you to go too. Slow down or stop, and look LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT.

When you ride a bike, be aware of what goes on around you. LOOK BACK before riding around a pot hole or sewer grate, passing a parked car, turning or moving to a different side of the street.

Practice how to scan while riding along a straight line in an empty parking lot. Learn how to do it without wobbling your bike!

YOUNG CHILDREN (toddlers and preschoolers)

Head Out Safely

Wearing a bike helmet is the most important way for your child to stay safe on a play vehicle, tricycle, or bike. A helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent when worn correctly. Toddler helmets are lightweight, because a toddler's neck is not strong enough for a regular helmet. Also, these helmets come down low around the back of the head for more coverage. Choose a helmet that meets current safety standards. Look for a CPSC1, ASTM2, ANSI3, or Snell4 sticker inside the helmet. Insist that your child wear a helmet whenever she rides. If your child's preschool uses tricycles, work with the school to make helmets available. Urge the school to have a policy requiring helmet use.

The Right Fit

  • Make sure the helmet covers the upper part of the forehead and sits level on the head.
  • Use the foam pads inside to fit the helmet snugly so it doesn't slip around.
  • Adjust the chin strap tightly enough so the helmet pulls down when the child opens his mouth.

Get Them Into The Habit
Start children wearing helmets with their first tricycles or play vehicles. When children begin helmet use early, they are more likely to keep the habit in later years.

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Bike-Friendly Green Map of Yogyakarta 2007-2008

9:26 PM 0 Comments

A map of mobility in Yogyakarta based on bicycling. We will chart many kinds of bike-friendly sites, tracks, and services, as well as the hazard zones. Our goal is to raise awareness about the positive impacts of riding a bike, so people would utilize bicycling once again. In the past, Yogyakarta was famous as bicycle city. Today, the number of bicyclists is decreasing because the motorized traffic in Yogyakarta is very heavy, noisy, and dangerous.


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Bicycle Safety Tips

9:52 PM 0 Comments

main sepedaIt's simple! Follow the "rules of the road". With few exceptions, when operating a bicycle on the streets and highways you must comply with the motor vehicle traffic regulations of your state and locality. Yes, you have all the rights of a motor vehicle driver, but you also have the same responsibilities they do. That means you must drive on the right side of a two way street, except when overtaking or passing. You must obey traffic lights and signs. At uncontrolled intersections, remember the vehicle on the left yields the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.

Where bike paths or lanes are available, use them. When traveling with a group, it is best to ride single file and never more than two abreast.

Signals are important. Turning right? Extend your right hand and arm in a horizontal position straight from and level with your shoulder beyond the right side of your bicycle. Turning left? Extend your left arm straight and level to the left side of your bike. For slowing down or stopping, extend your arm downward to your side. By following the regulations applicable to motor vehicles (which the law requires you to do, like it or not), you make it less likely a motor vehicle driver will misunderstand what you are doing and where you are going. Such misunderstandings cause accidents.

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Bicycle helmet

9:44 PM 0 Comments

A bicycle helmet is a helmet intended to be worn while riding a bicycle. They are designed to attenuate impacts to the cranium of a cyclist in falls while minimizing side effects such as interference with peripheral vision. There is intense academic debate on whether helmet use offers any reduction of the chance of head injury. The debate on whether helmet use should be compulsory is even more intense and occasionally bitter, often based not only on differing interpretations of the academic literature, but also on differing assumptions and interests on the two sides.

A cycle helmet should be light in weight and should provide adequate ventilation, because cycling can be an intense aerobic activity which significantly raises body temperature and the head in particular needs to be able to regulate its temperature.

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Indonesian "Onthelis" Communities

6:58 PM 2 Comments

Berikut ini adalah daftar komunitas onthelis yang diperoleh dari sumber komunitas bersangkutan dan sumber internet yakni dan sepeda

AGUNG (Amuntai Grup Unthel NGetop)
Kebun Sari, Amuntai,
Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara,
Kalimantan Selatan

PSB - Perkumpulan Sapedah Baheula
Jl. Surapati No. 98 Bandung

Jalan Kopo Sayati, Gg. H. Naweng, Bandung

POC – Prima Onthel Club

Perumahan Prima Harapan Regency
Blok D 8 No. 9 Kota Bekasi 17123
Telpon : 021-88987464
Fax. : 021-88987464
email :
Website : http//

CONTRY- Community Ontel Tridaya

Tridaya Indah Estate Blok D 4 No. 15 Tambun Bekasi.

BOC - Buitenzorg Onthel Club

Jl. Raya Cilendek No. 91 Bogor

Komunitas Pinggiran Kota Bogor

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno
Jl. Panglima Polim Gg. Bromo 5 Sumbang Bojonegoro

Sapedah Baheula Garut atau Garut Old Bicycle
Perumahan Bumi Proklamasi no 14 Jayaraga, Garut,

PASEKGRES - Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Gresik
Jl. Veteran 9 A No. 10 Gresik

PASETO - Paguyuban Sepeda Unto
Jl. Raya Nongkokerep Bungah Gresik

KOBA - Komunitas Onthel Batavia

Jl.. Cipinang Timur Raya no.48 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur 13240

POJOK - Paguyuban Onthel Jogjakarta

Bengkel Ngatijo, Jalan Wates Km. 5,5, Barat Perum Bayeman Permai, Yogyakarta, website:

JOC - Jogja Onthel Community
Stasiun Lempuyangan

KEBO - Keluarga Bocah Old Cycle Ploso
Jl. Raya Ploso - Babat Gg. 1 Sidopulo Ploso Jombang

Keluarga Onta Besi Mojoagung
Kantor Sekretaris Desa Kauman, Mojoagung, Jombang

PASKUNTO - Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Mojokerto
d.a. Kantor Polsek Sumobito - Jombang

PASEH - Paguyuban Sepeda Hordoch
Jl. Sawahan I / 46 Jombang

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Mega Brantas
RT 02 RW 02 Megaluh Jombang

Jl. Welirang Jombang

Ngleret Juwet Kunjang Jombang

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Hayamas
Desa Blawe Purwoasri Kediri 2.

Mbangi Woromarto Purwoasri Kediri

PPSO - Paguyuban Penggemar Sepeda Onta
“WARISANE MBAH KUNG” - Perum GPM Blok D No. 1 Langenharjo Kendal

Paguyuban Sepeda Ijo Pupus

Unto Abang
Kemudo - Prambanan Klaten

Persyarikatan Onthel Lampung (POL)

Jl. Keranji Blok TP No. 5Way Halim Permai Bandar Lampung

KESTOERI - Keroekoenan Sepeda Toea Repoebliken

Panser - Paguyuban Sepeda Ria
Jl. Pertanahan No. 191 Bancaran Bangkalan Madura

Wringin Putih Tj. Rejo. Kebonsari Madiun

Paguyuban sepeda ” Tempo Doeloe” TUNDHUNG MEDIOEN
Toko Sepeda Panca Jaya Jl Delima 33 Madiun 0351-7798479

VOC - Velocepede Old Classic
Dukuh 1 No. 240 RT 4 Rw 3 Magelang Kota

GHOST - Grabag Human Onthel Society
Kalangan RT 02 / 01 / 666 Grabag Magelang

KOSTUM - Komunitas Sepeda Tua Makassar

MOC - Malang Onthel Club
Jl. Ciamis Dalam No. 21 Malang

MCC - Malang Classic Club -
Jl. Pisang Candi Barat Gg. Kampung Baru Malang

POLKA - Penggemar Onthel Kuno Arema
Jl. Plaosan Timur 7 No. 5 Malang

GOC - Godanglegi Onthel Club
- Jl. Kauman No. 14 Godanglegi Kulon Malang

GOSAR - Gabungan Sepeda Antik Rembun Dampit

K O K I = Komunitas Onthel Kota Intan
Jln. Cempaka rt02/01 no. 15
Martapura, Kalimantan Selatan

SETUMAT - Sepeda Tua Martapura
Jl.Veteran No 4 RT10/5 Sei. Sipai Martapura Kab. Banjar - Kalimantan Selatan

MESAQ = Medan Sepeda Antique
Jl. Megawati Gg. Kelinci No. 8 Medan

PESAWAT - Persatuan Sepeda Watesnegoro
Glatik Watesnegoro Ngoro Mojokerto

Simpatik - Simpatisan Sepeda Antik -
Jl. Pandega 74 RT 07 / II Ngoro Industri Mojokerto

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno SGR
Kejagan Trowulan - Mojokerto

Mojoagung Mojokerto

Grogolan - Rejoslamet - Mojowarno - Mojokerto

PASOMO (Paguyuban Sepeda Onthel Mojokerto)
Jl. Gajah mada No 132 Mojokerto, Telpon (0321) 6220323 Flexy

Paguyuban Sepeda
Sonoageng Prambon Nganjuk

Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Pacitan

Padang Unto Club

KST RAYA - Komunitas Sepeda Tua Palangka Raya
Jl. KPT.P.Tendean 15 P.Raya

PASEKU - Penggemar Sepeda Kuno
Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Gg. X-A No. 37 Petamanan Bugul Kidul Pasuruan

Kodok - Kodani Onthel Club
Jl. Sukodani Ngabar Kraton Pasuruan

PPO - Paguyuban Pit Ontel
Barat Pasar Grati Pasuruan

Pasda Warna Onthel Club-
- Jl. Tanah I Srowong Juwana Pati

PAPI UNTOPO - Paguyuban Pit Unto Ponorogo -
Jl. Kawung 161 Ronowojayan Ponorogo

Jabon - Ponorogo

ISO - Ikatan Sepeda Onthel
Meduran RT 01 XI Brati Ngrangut Purwodadi

PASTOP - Pagoejoban Sepeda Toea Pekalongan
Jl Sumatra No 1 Pekalongan

Club Onthel Pekanbaru

Jl. Hasanuddin no 101 Pekanbaru, email:

NGACS - Ngleyer Antique Club
- Jl. Blora 6
Sale Rembang

B.O.M Samarinda

Jl. Basuki Rahmad IV No. 21 RT. 02/03
Samarinda Kal-Tim

Onthel Club Sampit (OCS)

Jl. Anggur I Nomer 112, Sampit-Kalimantan Tengah, Telpon (0531) 23417

Gagak Rimang
Jl. Gergaji Pelem VII / 6 Semarang

Semarang Onthel Community (SOC)
Jl. Puspogiwang 22 SEMARANG.
Telpon: 024-7606778, Fax: 7607319, e-mail:

Paguyuban Sepeda Tempo Doeloe Dhen Bagoes
Jl. Bungurasih Timur 9 Waru Sidoarjo

PASKAB (paguyupan sepeda kuno arek balongbendo)

Ds balongbendo RT 10 RW 04 Kec balongbendo,sidoarjo Jawa Timur

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Kureksari
Jl. Anggrek III/7 Kureksari Waru Sidoarjo

PESSAWAT - Persatuan Sepeda Santai Wates Tanggulangin
Desa Wates RT 08 - RW 03 Jl. Luntas 37 Tanggulangin

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Budi Luhur
Wonokoyo Klopo Sepuluh Sukodono Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Panca
Sukodono Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Karang Bong
Gedangan Sidoarjo

Paskun - Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno
Juwet Kenongo Porong Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Arkas -
Krembung Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Osaka
Dusun Duran Karang Puri Wonoayu Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Wontup
Panjunan Sidoarjo

Paguyubun Sepeda Kuno Pesona
Gg. Kepala Desa RT 03 RW IV Trosobo Sidoarjo

PAKAR - Paguyuban Kereta Angin Rewwin
Jl. Taman Cendrawasih No. 20 Rewwin Waru Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Oemar Bakrie
Jl. Hasanuddin 165 Celep Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Keboe Juanda
Jl. H.Abdul Rochman Sedati Sidoarjo

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Recinda
Jl. Raya Wates 139 Kedensari Tanggulangin Sidoarjo

PSKK - Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Krian
Jeruk Gamping RT 02 RW 01 Krian Sidoarjo

PASKUNG - PAguyuban Sepeda KUno NGaresrejo
Ngaresrejo Sukodono Sidoarjo

Sejahtera Super Cycling
Gg Sawo II no 1, Klangsuran, Karangasem, Laweyan, Surakarta.

GASENOS - Gabungan Sepeda Kuno Surabaya
Jl. Kalijudan 8 No. 43 Surabaya

PASEBO - Paguyuban Sepeda Kebo
Jl. Dukuh Pakis III/8 Surabaya

PASKAS - Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Arek Suroboyo-
Jl. Kedung Doro IX No. 9 Surabaya

SENOPATI - Sepeda Kuno Patriot Sejati
Jl. Tenggilis Mejoyo Blok AB No. 15 Surabaya

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno Mahesa
- Jl. Karang Menjangan VI / 27

paguyuban sepeda antik rungkut
Jl. Bakung Gang 2 no 38b, Rungkut, Surabaya

Jl Ci Indah 5 no 42 B Perum 1 Tangerang

V O C = Vintage Onthel Comunity
Tiga Raksa Kab. Tangerang

BOS = Bintaro Onthel Solidarity
Sekretariat : Jl. WR Supratman Rt010/09 No.5, Pondok
Ranji Tangerang.(Dekat St. Pondok Ranji, Bintaro).

KONTJI - Komunitas Ontel Ciawi
Pasirhonyi Tasikmalaya

Paguyuban Sepeda Kuno
Panjerrejo Rejotangan Tulungagung

Paguyuban Sepeda Mojokerten
Boyolang Mojokerten Tulungagung



Bengkel Margono
Telpon (0274) 7844008
Jalan Wates, Yogyakarta, Kampus Universitas Wangsa Manggala Ke Arah Barat Ketemu Pertigaan Gesikan, Belok Kiri sekitar 500m sebelah kiri jalan
Bengkel Ngatijo
Telpon (0274) 7010957
Jalan Wates Km 3,5, Bayeman, Yogyakarta

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